قضيب ضخم مزدوج الطبقات من LoveToy مقاس 14 بوصة بجلد منزلق مقاس 36 سم
مصنوع من مادة جلدية منزلقة مزدوجة الطبقات واقعية لإضفاء إحساس واقعي، ومصنوع بتقنية خاصة مزدوجة الكثافة لمحاكاة شعور القضيب المنتصب. يتميز بطبقة خارجية ناعمة وسطح داخلي قوي بشكل مرضي.
تم تصنيع هذا القضيب الواقعي يدويًا ليكون أصيلاً، ويمكن ثنيه بسهولة إلى أي شكل، حتى أفضل من الشيء الحقيقي.
قاعدة شفط حاصلة على براءة اختراع مصنوعة من مادة TPE عالية الجودة يمكن تثبيتها أو إزالتها للاستخدام. توفر قبضة ممتازة للعب بدون استخدام اليدين على الأسطح المستوية. بفضل قاعدة الشفط القابلة للإزالة، يمكنك استخدامها مع العديد من آلات الجنس.
مصنوعة من مادة TPE مزدوجة الطبقة فائقة الواقعية.
تقنية الجلد العائم ثنائي الكثافة.
توفر كأس الشفط الحاصلة على براءة اختراع قوة شفط قوية ويمكنك تثبيتها أو إزالتها بسهولة للعب بشكل مريح.
مصنوعة يدويا للحصول على المتعة القصوى.
يمكن ثنيها بسهولة إلى أي شكل.
لا يحتوي على الفثالات واللاتكس.
من المستحسن استخدام هلام التشحيم عالي الجودة المعتمد على الماء.
الطول الإجمالي: 36 سم
العرض: 6.6سم
الطول القابل للاستخدام: 28 سم
- If the product you purchased is in the class of Water Bowl, Food Bowl, Direct Food Contact Products and you have used the product, unfortunately it cannot be included in the warranty. Such products cannot be returned and cannot be resold if they are used in accordance with the consumer rights laws of all countries in terms of hygiene. Therefore, it is useful to definitely check the products before using them after purchasing our products such as water bowls. In cases such as defective, faulty, manufacturer's error, you can return the food contact products that you have not used after purchasing them within 30 days unconditionally and request an exchange or a full refund.
- Under warranty Bags, lunch boxes, pencil cases, pens, boots, underwear including swimsuits, bikinis, bras, excluding clothing products, shoes, sandals, glasses, sunglasses, erasers, basic stationery products are under full warranty. Our full warranty coverage starts on the date the product you purchase is delivered to you and includes the following.
** If the product you purchased arrives to you defective, faulty or defective, (You must notify us of this situation within 14 days at the most before using the product. If you use the product, unfortunately you may lose this right.)
** You have the right to a one-to-one replacement for all cases that may occur due to reasons not caused by you (tearing, breaking, tearing, contact with water or liquid, burning, washing outside of washing instructions, using food contact products). This right is valid for 2 years in all countries. For example, if you bought a pencil case and the product was broken by you, this will not be covered by the warranty, but if your pencil case was broken due to reasons such as spontaneous wear and tear within 2 years of use, it will be covered by the warranty, but the final decision here is provided by the expert opinion of Jesminda International Stores Return Acceptance Department.
** If the product arrived without any faults but is faulty due to a situation arising from use, we recommend that you first contact the Jesminda team. Generally, a free part replacement or, considering the user's continuity in Jesminda, the Jesminda customer representative can take the initiative to approve your return even if it is out of warranty.
** For example, you bought a product and never used it, but your 14-day legal return period in your country has expired. In this case, you can contact the Jesminda team. We would like you to know that we accept the return of products in their unused packaging for up to 60 days.
Important: We would like to remind you that the warranty coverage is only valid for our DINOSSI BRANDED products. Other branded products that you will purchase are not included in the warranty coverage. These warranty conditions are valid for the products that Jesminda manufactures itself. It is valid for all products where you see Jesminda in each product title and product brand information.
All other branded products are out of warranty, if our users order a different branded product, return and exchange rights vary depending on the country, but do not forget that you can return or exchange all other branded products that are not used within 14 to 30 days in all countries. Moreover, you can do this service with free shipping.